Monday, September 11, 2006

Oh, Nothing

Every now and then, my mind kind of goes South and just sits beside me, kind of blank. There isn't much thought up in the noggin lately, although lots of things do cross my mind.

It's kind of like when I am riding in a car with someone, and I'm really quiet, and the other person will ask: "What are you thinking about?" And I reply: "Oh nothing," when really the thoughts going through my mind fifty miles an hour are something like...I wonder if I should start playing the clarinet again...Darn, I can't, I used it to hold the window up, then gave it away to a music student... Oh, there is a pretty tree... Maybe I should clean the basement... Gosh that lady over there looks awful, she shouldn't be wearing something like that, with the shape she has...I really should think about getting the car ready for winter...I need a hair cut...I wonder if there is someone that goes around to all of those telephone poles and takes all the papers and nails, and staples out...Look at all of those bird feeders, I bet they spend a small fortune in feed...Poor deer, didn't have a chance.

It is all going through my head in a matter of seconds, and nothing is really important so I don't say much out loud.

So there you have it, that's what's on my mind.


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