Saturday, February 10, 2007

Same Ole, Same Ole

I have been kind of in a state of hibernation the last month or so, only coming out for the Super Bowl, and only going out for work and errands. It has been so cold these last few weeks, that the only place I want to be, is in my toasty warm house. The jigsaw puzzle is out on the table, being worked on from time to time, and that's about the highlight of the month.

It has been below zero every night for the last week, and not a whole lot warmer during the day. The weather people had said that towards the end of the week we would have a warm up and it would be almost 30 degrees, but it never happened. The icing on this ice cake, is that the thermostat on the car is taking a dump, and it isn't heating up. I haven't been scraping the ice of the inside of the windshield yet, but it's close. Monday, I hope to have that fixed. Fine time for it to go out isn't it? Thankfully it has been sunny, so it seems warmer than it really is, if you happen to be by a window somewhere.

I enjoyed my drive home today, the ice is finally frozen enough for people to go out on, and in one town I drive through, saw some boys shoveling snow off a big square of ice. I see a hockey game coming soon for them. A group of children had sleds, and were headed home with their dog, all covered with snow, their cheeks bright red from the cold. I see some hot chocolate coming their way soon.

I remember when I was young, not even noticing how cold it was, and spent most of the winter at the park ice skating or sledding. It seems now days, it is rarely cold enough for kids to enjoy the winter like that for much more than a few days out of the Winter.

Now that there is ice, I hope for the temps to come up just a bit so that I can go ice fishing. I have only ice fished once, and it was a 45 degree day after several weeks of zero temps so there was plenty of ice. The only thing that got cold were my feet. I loved seeing what fish came up out of that small hole in the ice, and I don't know what it is about fish caught below ice that makes them taste so much better, but they do.

That's the news from this neck of the woods. Over and out.


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