The Melon Patch
I brought out a watermelon I purchased at the store to inspire my melon to grow big, just like it. Think it will work?
Where I found out life isn't so simple
I brought out a watermelon I purchased at the store to inspire my melon to grow big, just like it. Think it will work?
but.. but.. but.. that top picture? you have purle dirt!! no wonder things wont grow.. ITS PURPLE DIRT!!! The next one is pinkish.. and the bottom one.. brown.. like dirt should be..
lol.. I love your blog Junie.. just like I love you!!
Ah, nice melons. (Bammy made me say it)
I just noticed. Bam is right you got purple dirt. What the hell is going on with the purple dirt?
I guess my camera doesn't do color too well. But's pretty dirt. :::puffing out chest all proud like:::: I'm proud of my melons.
And you should be proud of your melons. :) Snicker, snicker. :)
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