Tuesday, December 12, 2006


We have had a nice break in the weather and the construction people started with tearing off the damaged part of the roof first. There were two large gaping holes up there. As I was down on the ground asking how things were going, they said that the old chimney that was in that part of the attic was the only thing that held the house together. The roof was sitting on it. Had it not been there, they said the house probably would have collapsed.

I was going to take that old chimney out this past summer, and the chimney that was in the bedroom up there, but never got around to it.

Sometimes being a procrastinator has its rewards.


At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know it is like you fixed everything you could reach. As far as the roof being covered mostly by insurance... it is like you have put so much of your time and energy into fixing up the house and restoring it. In a way the house said okay you took care of this part so I will have the tree take care of the roof.
I am so sure something in that house watches over you! It is like you are protecting the house but the house is also protecting you.
Kind of a neat kinship you have going there if you ask me.

At 9:53 PM, Blogger Junie said...

I really think so. I know I am protected by Angels and so is the house. I am blessed


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