Sunday, August 16, 2009


Good news arrived this morning with a brand new baby boy delivered by my Nephew's wife. Six pounds and ten ounces of joy! Along with his elated parents and grandparents are a lot of elated aunts and uncles and great aunts and uncles! It has been a very long time since little feet have pitter pattered around this family.

Many prayers and blessings to Chip and Jen and Mason.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I always have a lot of things on my mind and never have the pencil or pen and paper handy or the computer ready to jot down a few things to jog my memory. One day I will think of having it handy. I have purchased several 10 packs of pens and bunches of spiral notebooks but I never have them with me when I think of something to write. They are in the car when I am somewhere else, or they are home and I'm at work. I think I need one of those spy watches where when you think of something you just speak into it, or how about something like the old Star Trek communicators. It seems they always have something to log.

"Star date August 12, 1009. I arrived home from vacation to find the house in one piece. The toilet didn't overflow this time and I didn't have a lake and carpeting to pull up immideately upon arrival. Kitties are in good shape but wanting lots of attention. Saw a bear on vacation; no, make that two bears."